Mission Statement

Tattool is an open web source for tattoo artists and enthusiasts to discover about different types of art within the tattoo industry. We gather information from around the world and discover the true tone and the artistic feel of the inner artist of oneself. We help from amateurs to experienced fans to locate artists in order to obtain a feel to another artistic dimension. As part of our web site, Tattool, we post major events and news to keep our fans up to date with the latest art and vision. The idea of every tattoo fan is to ensure that they'll obtain the right tattoo at the right time and feel it perfect at the right place. With the right tools, we are confident that Tattool is the right place for you.


The reason why we chose to do Tattool is because all of us are aware of the beauty of art is applied to multiple parts in our daily routine. It is but not limited to involve personal, social and commercial aspects when it comes to going to school, freelancing at a job or to even make a business about it. While the group and I were thinking of applying art, we have all agreed upon to make a tattoo website where we can employ tattoo artists to become engaged with new artists locally and around the world. So therefore, it will help people find the right artist for the right price.


Logo is very important when it comes to hierarchy. The reason why it attracts customers, consumers and first-time visitors. After that, the navigation bar brought options to ease the visitor when they are looking for something. We separated into 5 sections. Those five are: Home, News, Events, Find an Artist, and About.

Assets Used

Logo, icons and pictures were used in the process of the web design.


We had our own roles when designing the website. We had to meet up every Wednesday and Sunday sometimes and we used materials like Illustrator when designing the logo and Photoshop for the wireframes. There was no monetary investment within the use of this project.


Design and color is always important when it comes to a successful project. Second to that, hierarchy. Third, placement of words and images. So it still needs work to debug and reorganize the placement of images, etc.